Friday, July 24, 2009


Congrats to Jeff Walt, whose chapbook manuscript "Vows" just won the Gertrude Press Poetry Chapbook Contest. The news was just posted yesterday, only two months behind schedule (ahem). Best of luck with your new publisher, Jeff!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I drove up to Lyco today, after meeting Randy for a quick lunch. I had library books to pick up. And to drop off: five more books to donate, including Olga Broumas' Rave and J.D. McClatchy's Hazmat.

"It's our E-Z Borrow guy!"

Yeah, it's me. I brought my own tote bag. Fill 'er up.

Also fiddled with the cover(s) of our next 7KP title. Not so much "fiddled" as took advantage of a super-fast, super-loaded library computer to tweak my cover designs, save them as PDFs, and print out a color copy to stick on my wall for inspiration as I move into the assembly stage of this project. Will post the cover images over at Seven Kitchens sometime this week.

Picked up a print job on the way home: covers for the second printing of Judith's and Steven's chaps. Which look just like the covers for the first printing. But now we're in the second printing.

Some hammock time with At Work: The Art of California Labor before dinner--tandoori chicken, grilled shrimp, basmati rice, curried vegetables, naan, and an ice-cold beer. Oh hell, yes, Randy can cook. And leftovers in the fridge.

Upstairs, what I mistook for a book on the chair in the bathroom. Upside-down, on its spine, the title HEAVY DUTY. I pondered the sound of the words, flicked through a mental list--honoring our parents' wishes, being truthful, burying the cat, signing the DNR form all came to mind before I realized it wasn't a book. It was the cardboard packaging around the new shower curtain. But even then, even after mentally shoehorning the words back into their purely utilitarian place, they echoed with a deeper resonance.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Call for shark poems!

Please pass this along--what a fun opportunity!

Shark Summer Poetry Contest

Thursday, July 02, 2009

CFS: Subito Press

for all you "innovative writers" out there:

Subito Press of the University of Colorado invites submissions to its annual book competition. We will publish two books of innovative writing, one each of fiction and poetry:
  • Submissions will be accepted from June 1 to August 15, 2009 (postmark date).
  • Submit manuscripts of up to 70 pages of poetry or up to 100 pages of (double spaced) fiction along with a $20 reading fee and an SASE for notification of results.
  • Manuscripts should include two cover sheets: one with title only, the other with title, author's name, address, e-mail, and phone number.
  • All submissions will be judged anonymously by the creative writing faculty at the University of Colorado; friends, relatives, and former students of University of Colorado creative writing faculty are not eligible.
  • Simultaneous submissions are ok; please notify Subito immediately if your ms. is accepted elsewhere.
  • Winners will give a reading at the University of Colorado in the Spring of 2010.
  • Notification of winners will occur by January of 2010.
  • Send mss. to: Subito Press, Department of English, 226 UCB, Boulder CO 80309-0226.