Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Monday, February 19, 2007
Ilya Kaminsky

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Gate of Heaven: Two Hour Delay

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Thanks to Charlie for the Sally Ball pages! I owe you.
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[photo: drifting snow against the West Branch office window, 2/15/07]
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
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For all you eBayers out there, I'll be listing a few books--mainly poetry--over the next couple of months, partly to ease the clutter, but mainly to raise a little cash toward a new project: Seven Kitchens Press will launch this summer with the Keystone Chapbook Series (for Pennsylvania poets). If all goes well, we'll read this fall for a new G/L/B/T chapbook series. Wish me luck. Buy some stuff on eBay to help support the cause: the seller ID is 7kp and the prices are cheap!
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Help! (I need somebody)

Not just anybody, but someone who has a copy (or quick access to a copy) of any of the following books:
- David Rivard, Sugartown (Graywolf)
- Sally Ball, Annis Mirabilis (Barrow Street)
- Wyn Cooper, Postcards from the Interior (BOA)
- Brian Barker, The Animal Gospels (Tupelo)
If this is you, and you're willing to scan and e-mail or fax me a couple pages from the book(s), please contact me ASAP. I'll make it worth your while: I'll send you a free signed copy of one of my books, or, if you have those already (of course you do), two free copies of West Branch.
Please pass this along to anyone you know who might be able to help. Thanks, y'all.
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The cold water line to our washing machine has finally thawed! Hooray! No more sharing the laundromat with students! No more T-shirts from the 80s cutting off the circulation in my arms!
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I'm still working out every morning on the elliptical machine. Doing my ab crunches and leg lifts and whatnot. Randy says he sees a difference, and I definitely feel better, though I will prolly look like the same old Ron to all y'all when we meet in Atlanta. What's the weather going to be like in Atlanta? Can I wear shorts in March in Atlanta? I haven't been to a decent-sized city in a year. Can you tell I am getting excited about Atlanta?
[photo: zygocactus in bloom, January '07]
Thursday, February 08, 2007
CO so not cool
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I hope they set Ms. Nowak's bail appropriately high . . . umm, can you say flight risk?
Ba-dump bump tssssh! (Thank you, I'll be here all week.)
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Monday, February 05, 2007
(not taking) the Plunge

Bitter cold this weekend, which caused us to wonder how many brave or reckless folks would take the annual Polar Bear Plunge (the Susquehanna is so shallow at Lewisburg that it's more like taking the Wade; one has to wade thirty feet out just to take a good dip in the water). We were amazed to see about 75 folks dash, in small groups, into the river. Much whooping and cheering from the 250 or so townfolk gathered on the bank, bundled tight against the freezing wind. A paramedic unit was parked on the ramp, and blue-uniformed recue workers chatted nonchalantly. A local restaurant offered free hot chocolate to participants. A man in a thickly padded red wetsuit--he looked like a Spandex-encased walrus--stood in the water tied to a heavy rope; he'd stoop every now and then to pluck a chunk of ice from the river and toss it aside with a splash.
Great fun. This was also the weekend for the local ice festival--carved ice sculptures set up along Market Street, with a great big one in Hufnagle Park. At least the ice will keep a while this year: during last year's festival, temperatures were in the forties and the sculptures melted quickly, toppling, forlorn and misshapen, to the sidewalks. [Check out "The Ice Festival," a wonderful poem by Katie Hays in issue 32:1 of the New Orleans Review which is set during last year's festival here in Lewisburg.]
[photos: Polar Bear Plunge, Lewisburg, 2/3/07]
Thursday, February 01, 2007

Well the budget worked out, and I am going to Atlanta. I can't believe it's February already. We met this afternoon with the two delightful student interns who'll help staff the West Branch table at the AWP Book Fair. I just printed out the conference schedule to decide which events I'll try to attend.
Taking home the new issue of Crab Orchard Review to browse this weekend. Browsing, grading, and helping Randy plan out a new quilt design: it's supposed to get mighty cold, so we'll be staying cozy.
Almost six--time to pack up and head out.
Betsy gave me a clementine. I love clementines.
[photo: snow falling on euonymous hedge, 1/28/07]